Revista “Time”: 10 por cento de negros cometem 30 por cento dos crimes nos Estados Unidos (já em 1958…)


“In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for about 30% of all arrests, and 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm—murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.” in Time magazine

Crime e raça: a diferença entre brancos e negros


 “Crime statistics within Britain, Canada, and the United States show that people of East Asian ancestry are disproportionately under-represented while those of African ancestry are disproportionately over-represented relative to those of European ancestry. For example, in Canada, a government commission found that Blacks were five times more likely to be in jail than Whites and ten times more likely than Asians (Ontario, 1996). In Britain, the Home Office (1999) found that Blacks, who were 2% of the general population, made up 15% of the prison population. (No figures were reported for East Asians such as the Chinese, but Asians from the Indian subcontinent were 3% of the general population and 2% of the prison population.)”

 “To test whether the race differences in crime found within Britain, Canada, and the U.S. occurred more universally, Wilson and Herrnstein (1985) and Rushton (1990, 1995) collated data from INTERPOL Yearbooks (1980 to 1990) and found that Pacific Rim countries reported less violent crime (an aggregate of murder, rape, and serious assault) than did European countries and much less than did African and Caribbean countries. Summing the crimes, and averaging across years, Rushton (1990, 1995) found statistically significant differences per 100,000 population of: 44 (Pacific Rim), 74 (European), and 143 (Afro-Caribbean) total crimes, respectively. These results did not depend on the selection of countries because when only ethnically more homogeneous sets were chosen, for example, by limiting countries to those from northeast Asia, central Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa, the proportionate differences remained the same—or became even greater. Nor did the pattern alter for other sets of countries. For example, in the Caribbean data set, six mainly White/Amerindian countries averaged 72 per 100,000 whereas eight mainly Black countries averaged 449 violent crimes per 100,000 population (Rushton, 1995).”

 “Most notably, while HIV/AIDS is a serious public health problem for all racial groups, it is especially so for Africans and people of African descent (currently almost 9 out of every 100 Africans are infected with HIV/AIDS; the rate is 2.2% in the Black Caribbean; in the U.S. about 2% of African Americans are living with HIV/AIDS compared to 0.4% of European Americans and less than 0.1% of East Asian Americans (UNAIDS/WHO, 2001). Since there is little cultural contact between the various African descended populations, the explanation is most likely a genetic one.”

In Cross-National Variation in Violent Crime Rates : Race, rK Theory, and Income

J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario

Glayde Whitney, Florida State University

Uma solução para o arrastão


“Tropecei por acaso num estudo feito na universidade de Cambridge, no Massachussets, onde se avalia o impacto da raça nos padrões de policiamento, aprisionamento e crime. O tema parece chato como a potassa, mas na realidade não é.” (…)

“Temos portanto aqui a solução para o arrastão. A partir da próxima semana as patrulhas policiais na Cova da Moura, serão constituídas por um batalhão de somalis perfeitamente untadinhos, e vamos deixar de ouvir falar em arrastões – até porque os habitantes do bairro vão ter dificuldade em andar a direito, em consequência das insuportáveis dores no esfíncter.”

in A Razão tem sempre Cliente

Queimar cristãos sim, queimar o Corão, não…


Almas piedosas, por todo o mundo erguem a voz contra o pastor americano que quer queimar um exemplar do Corão. Convém recordar que, em todo o mundo islâmico e hindu, os muçulmanos e os extremistas hindus nem sequer se preocupam em queimar bíblias ou igrejas – liquidam logo os próprios cristãos, queimando-os vivos ou cortando-lhes a cabeça. Os idiotas que agora protestam contra a queima do Corão, ficam calados nessas alturas. Incluindo o Vaticano…

Christians Killed, Churches Burned

Persecution of Christians

Christians killed in Nigeria attack

500 butchered in Nigeria killing fields

Christian Persecution Info

Claim in Killing of Christian Family in India

India Mob Said to Kill Priest