Homenagem a uma grande Nação


4 de Julho de 2008

The Star Spangled Banner

God Bless America (The Deer Hunter)

America The Beautiful

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Honra aos caídos no combate pela Liberdade!



Celebra-se hoje o 53º aniversário da invasão da Normandia, que marcou o início da libertação da Europa do jugo nazi. Honra aos caídos no combate pela Liberdade!


“Les sanglots longs/Des violons/De l’automne

Blessent mon coeur/D’une langueur/Monotone.


Paul VERLAINE (1844-1896)

Blessent mon coeur/D’une langueur/Monotone – Verso de um poema de Paul Verlaine, transmitido via rádio, para a rede “Ventríloquo”, da Resistência Francesa, ao fim do dia 5 de Junho de 1994, dando a indicação que o ataque à Normandia tinha começado. A BBC, às 21h00 do mesmo dia 5 de Junho, transmite outras duas senhas, também indicativas que a “Operação Overlord” tinha começado: “As cenouras estão cozidas” e “Os dados estão lançados”.

Cerca de 150 mil soldados dos EUA, Inglaterra, Canadá, Polónia, França, Checoslováquia e outros países aliados avançam, na madrugada do dia 6 de Junho de 1944, numa frota de 900 navios, em direcção a cinco praias da Normandia, com os nomes de código: “Sword”, “Juno”, “Gold”, “Omaha” e “Utah”.

No Sul de Inglaterra, 163 bases aéreas com um total de 11.000 aviões de combate garantiam o apoio aéreo à operação. Nos hospitais da mesma região, 124.000 camas estavam prontas, para receber os feridos.

Baixas no primeiro dia da invasão:

Sword Beach:

Força atacante: 1º Corpo do Exército Britânico, constituído pela 3ª Brigada de Infantaria e pela 27ª Brigada Blindada, num total de 28.845 soldados. Baixas ao fim do primeiro dia: 630 (feridos e mortos);

Juno Beach:

Força atacante: Exército Canadiano: 3ª Divisão de Infantaria e 2ª Brigada Blindada, num total de 15 mil soldados. Baixas ao fim do primeiro dia: 1.079 (feridos e mortos);

Gold Beach:

Força atacante: 2º Corpo do Exército Britânico, constituído pela 50ª Divisão de Infantaria e pela 8ª Brigada Blindada, num total de 24.970 soldados. Baixas ao fim do primeiro dia: 400 (mortos e feridos);

Utah Beach:

Força atacante: Exército Norte-Americano, 4ª Divisão de Infantaria, num total de 32.000 soldados. Baixas ao fim do primeiro dia: 700 (mortos e feridos);

Omaha Beach:

Força atacante: Exército Norte-Americano, 29ª divisão de Infantaria , 1ª Divisão de Infantaria e 8 Companhias de Rangers, num total de 43.250 soldados. Baixas ao fim do primeiro dia: 3.336 (mortos e feridos)

Total de baixas no primeiro dia de combates: 6.145 (mortos e feridos)

E agora, carregue aqui, faça correr este ficheiro de mp3 e fique um minuto em silêncio, em honra deste homens, que deram a vida para que todos nós, hoje, sejamos livres!

Why America must win (*)


 Letter from a European friend 

“Máquina Zero” is the size of the haircut young Portuguese conscripts used to get, on their first day in the Army. I choosed this term for the title of my main blog, in Portuguese, because nowadays, anybody that shows some respect for our flag, or say that he/she is proud of being Portuguese, is quickly labeled a fascist or a neo-nazi. There is no room, in European politics, to have a conservative view of the world and be accepted as someone who is willing to follow the rules of a democratic society. Leftists and liberals believe that those who don’t share their ideas are some kind of untermenschen, not entirely humans, probably the so called lost link between humans and apes. This is the main reason why I still post under a pseudonym.

Among a large number of my fellow citizens (in Portugal and European Union…) hating the greatest Democracy of our time, United States of America, is a mixture of a fashion statement and religious belief. It excludes any discussion or debate and doesn’t need facts or evidence to be based upon. Like the ancient Carthagenense, those believers are convinced that sacrificing a few thousands, may be millions of their fellow citizens, they will get mercy from the enemy. You may remember that, as the legions of Rome prepared to destroy and burn the walls of Carthage, priests of Baal Hammon knocked at doors, asking for young men to have their hearts ripped and their bodies burned in it’s bloody altars. Instead of fighting, they committed suicide.

Those like me, who don’t follow this fashionable trend, are looked upon as if they were some sort of serious mentally handicapped person. But I always remember the images of American cemeteries in the fields of France, near those famous Flanders Fields, where the best and bravest of America have fallen, so far away from their Homeland and their beloved ones, to bring Freedom to all of us. In many occasions, during violent discussions, when I hear the most abominable opinions, I repeat to myself: Sword, June, Gold, Omaha, Utah. Many of those that, today, live free in Europe, don’t deserve a single drop of the blood that was shed on all of those beaches of Normandy, many years ago.

When I started my blog in Portuguese, I did it just for curiosity and, at the same time, begin what I intended to be a resumed English version of the main page. I had around 164,000 visits, one year after my first post – not bad, for a blog in Portuguese (not “Brazilian”…). But I couldn’t update the English version (“Jarhead”, which has the same meaning of “Máquina Zero”) so often as I wanted.

Now, I intend to give more attention and time to “Jarhead”, in an attempt to show that some people, in this small European country, knows that, on the other side of the sea, there is a Land of the Free, which is also the Home of the Brave. And we believe that this these free men will win their battle, because they fight for something more that a strange God who treats women like cattle, having thousands of them, in Paradise, ready to reward coward killers who detonate bombs in schools and kindergartens (A God that acts on a way that is similar to a pimp, is something difficult to understand, for me…)

Victory of the United States of America and it’s allies, in the war against terror, means that I can continue to live in Freedom. It means that my sons will be free citizens of a democratic country. But keep in mind that this war is not a clash of civilizations. This is not a confrontation between West and Islam. This is a war between a civilization that brough the best Humankind ever had and a large group of fanatics that is helding as hostages hundreds of millions of muslims.

So, my American friends, I hope and pray that the flag of your fathers remain, proud and defiant, as a beacon for all of those around the world that not only praise Freedom, but are also willing to fight and die for it.

Best regards,

Jarhead, a.k.a. “Máquina Zero”

PS – My command of English is not bad, but I’m sure I have a couple of mistakes, in this post. But I think that the message I wanted to give is clear. Please, feel free to correct my English (Helps me to write better…)

(*) Nota: Publicado originalmente no blogue “Jarhead”, em língua inglesa.

A estranha fé de Barak Hussein Obama


O defensor do Sistema de Valores Negro


Barak Hussein Obama, o homem que renega a mãe branca e idolatra o pai negro, é membro da Trinity United Church, uma congregação religiosa que perfilha um ideário estranho. A definição vem no site da própria igreja:

‘We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian… Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.’

A Trinity United Church perfilha o chamado Sistema de Valores Negro (?), também explicitado no site da congregação:

‘Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts:

  • Commitment to God
  • Commitment to the Black Community
  • Commitment to the Black Family
  • Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
  • Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
  • Adherence to the Black Work Ethic Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
  • Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
  • Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
  • Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
  • Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System
  • Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

Convém acrescentar que este senhor, Barak Hussein Obama, é candidato à nomeação, por parte do Partido Democrático, para a candidatura à presidência dos EUA. E que, no seu extenso perfil traçado numa das últimas edições do Público, o senhor surge como um autêntico santo, um político sem mácula, um homem quase perfeito. Prova de que, por mais remodelado que seja, o Público continua o panfleto de Esquerda que melhor imita um jornal…